FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. — (Feb. 24, 2023) The Maneuver Support Center of Excellence NCO Academy held a change-of-commandant ceremony on Wednesday in Lincoln Hall Auditorium, where Command Sgt. Maj. Darren Boruff relinquished responsibility to Command Sgt. Maj. Paul DeSanto.
Speaking at the ceremony was MSCoE and Fort Leonard Wood Command Sgt. Maj. Jorge Arzabala, who said the NCOA commandant plays “a critical role for our team.”
“The commandant is responsible for developing all current and aspiring engineers, (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear), and military police noncommissioned officers,” Arzabala said, noting Boruff was responsible for overseeing 23 professional military education curriculums during his more than three years in the position.
Arzabala said Boruff led the training of more than 9,000 Soldiers during his time as commandant, while also navigating the “ever-changing environment” of the pandemic.
Boruff “clearly understood the command’s vision” that “all military members who come to Fort Leonard Wood leave here better than they arrived,” Arzabala said, also noting two of Boruff’s instructors won the MSCoE Instructor of the Year Award.
“A tremendous achievement,” Arzabala added.
To Boruff, who is retiring after 30 years of service in the Army, Arzabala said MSCoE is “grateful for your leadership and your character.”
“You have served in a position of honor, holding NCOs accountable to the standard,” he said. “We are very proud of you.”
Arzabala also welcomed “a familiar teammate” in DeSanto, who most recently served as the 14th MP Brigade command sergeant major.
“We look forward to seeing you as you continue to maintain the momentum and you serve this great team,” Arzabala said.
Boruff took time to thank everyone “who has made a lasting impression on the organization.”
“There are a lot of great people here, and we’ve established some great relationships,” he said.
It’s been a challenge, he added, but “it’s been very rewarding at the same time.”
“I could not be more humbled to be up here, and turning it over to a great noncommissioned officer in Paul DeSanto,” Boruff said.
DeSanto thanked the NCOA team for the warm welcome he received.
“I truly and graciously appreciate all the hard work you’ve already done to make me feel like an integral part of the team,” he said. “And I look forward to working with you as well.”
DeSanto also thanked Boruff for a great transition, and for Boruff’s “leadership and dedication to the NCO Academy.”
“I feel ready and confident that I can build upon the great reputation that the NCO Academy has and that you have already built,” DeSanto said.
More photos from the ceremony are available on the Fort Leonard Wood Flickr page.

About Fort Leonard Wood
Fort Leonard Wood is a thriving and prosperous installation that has evolved from a small basic training post more than 80 years ago to a premier Army Center of Excellence that trains nearly 80,000 military and civilians each year.
Fort Leonard Wood is home to the U.S Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and three U.S. Army schools: the U.S. Army Engineer School; U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School; and the U.S. Army Military Police School. In addition to training engineer, CBRN and military police specialties for the Army, Fort Leonard Wood also provides gender-integrated in-processing and Basic Combat Training for new Soldiers.
Fort Leonard Wood also hosts and trains with the largest Marine Corps Detachment and Air Force Squadron on any Army installation as well as a large Navy construction detachment.
More information about Fort Leonard Wood is at: