FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. (Jan. 23, 2018) — The Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood will host a Martin Luther King Jr. observance and luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at the Pershing Community Center. Waynesville Mayor Luge Hardman is slated to be the guest speaker.
Hardman, a former Social Studies teacher for the Waynesville R-VI School District, said she plans to address how our lives have changed, from both military and civilian perspectives, and will highlight changes she personally has experienced.
According to Fort Leonard Wood’s Equal Opportunity Office, the Waynesville High School choir is on the program to perform, and representatives from VFW Post 3176 plan to recite the “I have a Dream” speech.
Tickets are $12 and are available through brigade Equal Opportunity advisors or the Installation Equal Opportunity Office.
For more information, call 573.596.0601.