By Heather Kline
Public Affairs Office
FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. (Oct. 4, 2018) — Fort Leonard Wood’s 2018 “Make a Difference Day” is scheduled from 7 a.m. to noon Oct. 27 around the installation.
Rhonda Hutsell, Army Volunteer Corps coordinator, said the AVC is registering projects for the annual day of community service now through Oct. 12.
“Millions of Americans across the country are projected to spend Oct. 27, the 29th Annual ‘Make a Difference Day,’ doing volunteer projects to improve their communities and help neighbors in need. This day is the largest community service effort in the nation, rallying corporations, government leaders, charitable organizations, and everyday Americans into action on one day. It is a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors,” Hutsell said.
Approximately 30 projects have been identified for this year in the Fort Leonard Wood area.
Last year, a total of 2,991 volunteers contributed a record number of more than 4,290 volunteer hours to the Fort Leonard Wood community, Hutsell said.
“Volunteerism stabilizes our military communities by contributing to community cohesion, increasing self-reliance and enhancing the well-being of our service members and their families,” Hutsell said.
“Volunteers contribute their time, energy and skills in nearly every agency and organization that support service members and their families, whether on the installation or in the local community,” Hutsell said.
Some of the scheduled projects include cleaning an elderly neighbor’s house, cooking or baking for a family in need, collecting toys, food, clothing, books and eyeglasses.
Beautification projects are planned at Thayer Playground, Wood Elementary School, the Post Cemetery and the Commissary flower beds, along with refurbishing the Engineer Trail, Colyer Park, Happy Hollow and Warehouse Rowe.
In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the Installation Volunteer Program and the Family Advocacy Program are co-sponsoring a 5K Fun Run/Walk at 8 a.m. at ACS, Bldg. 486. Registration opens at 7:15 a.m. The Mobil USO from St Louis will serve lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the ACS building.
For more information, or to volunteer, contact Hutsell at 573.596.4334 or by email at