FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. (May 4, 2018) — Pre-registration has opened for the 19th annual Volkslauf 10k Fun Run, scheduled for June 2 on Fort Leonard Wood.
Held each year by the U.S. Marine Corps Detachment, the Volkslauf has been described as “an extreme” 10k, covering terrain ranging from blacktop to rough dirt trails, rocky hills, mud pits, man-made obstacles and water crossings.
Pre-registration fees are $30 for individual adults, or $125 per team of five. Youth ages 6 to 17 and military personnel who are entry-level students can register for $20 per individual. Collegiate teams and youth teams can register for $70 per team. Youth teams typically must have one adult age 19 or older as a team captain. Teams with more than five members can register additional runners for $20 per team member.
Pre-registration will remain open until May 15. After that date, fees will increase to $25 for individual youth, $150 for adult teams and $85 for collegiate and youth teams, while individual adult and student rates will remain unchanged.
Registration can be completed in person during business hours at Building 1706. For more information, visit the @2017VolkslaufMudRace Facebook page.