The Fort Leonard Wood Blood Donor Center collects blood for the Armed Services Blood Program, the official blood collection agency for the U.S. military.
The need for blood remains as constant during the holiday season as it is the rest of the year. According to the ASBP, the Military Healthcare System, as a whole, requires 400 units of blood every day to meet routine operations around the globe. A single trauma victim can use 40 or more units of blood and one unit of blood can sustain a newborn’s life for two weeks.
During the month of December, please consider providing media coverage of this important topic.
Media interviews about the necessity and details for how to donate blood may be arranged through Carl Norman Carl Norman, ASBP Blood Donor Recruiter, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. email, or call (573) 596-5385 or through the Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs Office at 573-563-4145.
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