The Fort Leonard Wood Community Spouses Club will host its annual basket and service auction March 2 at the Pershing Community Center.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the live auction begins at 6:30 p.m. The event also includes a silent auction.
“Our annual gala is one of the highlights of the club year,” Stephanie Smock, Fort Wood Community Spouses Club president, said. “Every year, we have amazing community involvement. So many people come together to make this a memorable event.”
Smock said, TVs, a 4-day hunting experience, jewelry and handmade items are among the selections to be auctioned off at the event.
“We have many unique hand-crafted items this year, such as rolling carts and tables,” she said.
The event, featuring Ed Warden as the auctioneer, will include collections for a “Ladies Night In,” “Serenity Package,” and themed baskets.
Mary Lee McMillan, FWCSC historian and past president, who played a big part in leading the coordination of auction items, said there are currently 84 silent auction items and 64 live auction items lined up for this year’s event.
“This year we tried to concentrate on having something for everyone,” McMillan said. “We wanted to get affordable items in both auctions, and appeal to a variety of interests.”
This year’s theme is “Masquerade.”
“Last year’s event had the masquerade theme and everybody loved it,” Smock said. “We decided not to change a good thing, so we kept the theme the same this year.”
Smock said people enjoyed the masquerade theme because they got to dress up.
The recommended dress is cocktail dress attire for women and business casual attire, such as slacks and sport coat, for men.
Whatever attire is chosen, members encourage wearing masquerade masks and getting tickets before they sell out.
“The event seats 300 people and we are down to 100 tickets left,” McMillan said. “Tickets may be purchased online at; message on Facebook; or email”
As a final option, McMillan said people may arrange to stop by the Pershing Community Center, Thursday, March 1, to pick up their tickets, while FWCSC members set up for the event.
Ticket cost is $10.61 online, or $15 at the door. Cost includes hors d’oeuvres and one beverage.
The event is open to participants ages 21 or older.