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BY: Public Affairs Office

FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. – Enduring a weeklong competition that was mentally and physically demanding, a Fort Leonard Wood noncommissioned officer stakes claim to the coveted 2017 Army Noncommissioned Officer of the Year title.
An engineer Soldier, Staff Sgt. Ryan McCarthy, assigned as a Sapper Leader Course instructor, came away from this year’s competition with trophy in hand as the NCO of the year.
McCarthy said the uncertainty of not knowing what would occur during the events gave him a taste of what he trains his students on.
“Like what I tell Sapper students all the time,” said McCarthy, 27, of Belgrade Lakes, Maine, “if you treat it like it’s real, you will be successful.”
His leadership skills were also tested under pressure. “They really evaluated you on your ability to adapt as a leader and your ability to thrive in chaos,” he said.
With McCarthy, two Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers claimed the titles of best in the Army when Staff Sgt. Chad Hickey was named the Training and Doctrine Command Drill Sergeant of the Year in September. Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers have now claimed the top drill sergeant title four years in a row.
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Contact the Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs Office at 573.563.4145 for more information.