FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. (June 20, 2018) — The U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School’s 2018 Best CBRN Warrior Competition officially kicked off Wednesday at Fort Leonard Wood. A total of 14 two-person teams from across the U.S. Army are participating in this year’s event.
The goal of the competition was to find tasks that would highlight both the unique skills and tools of the Chemical Corps, but also test competitors on Soldiering skills.
The competition began with the Army Physical Fitness Test, followed by weapons qualification and combatives.
One planned event, named “The Burden,” is being compared to the Best Sapper’s X-mile Run, and contains various mentally and physically strenuous events paired with CBRN-specific tasks.
The competition is expected to culminate with an awards ceremony at noon Saturday on Gammon Field. The community is encouraged to attend the ceremony in support of this event.
Photos from competition are being posted to the Fort Leonard Wood Flickr page throughout the week at:, and on the installation’s Facebook page at
For the Best CBRN Warrior Competition preview story, visit
Media wishing to cover the event may contact the Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs Office at 573-563-5038/563-4145.