By 1st Lt. Jacob Thielmier
FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. (March 9, 2018) — One family’s call to serve their country was strong enough that both father and son attended the same basic combat training company on Fort Leonard Wood.
Sgt. Christopher Wood and son, Pfc. Christopher Wood Jr., are both graduates of Company C, 2nd Battalion, 10th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Chemical Brigade.
Pfc. Wood graduated Basic Combat Training on Sept. 27, 2017, and Sgt. Wood graduated Prior Service Basic Combat Training on Feb. 16, 2018. Both trained in 4th Platoon and had Sgt. 1st Class Kevin Linde as their drill sergeant.
Sgt. Wood is a graduate from the Army’s fifth Prior Service BCT class Co. C has conducted under the command of Capt. Richard Smock and 1st Sgt. Jason Ketchum.
Smock, who also hails from a military family, said the father and son duo reaffirms his views on the Army.
“It is great to see both a father and son come through during my command,” Smock said. “It drives home the fact that the Army is a family organization and validates everything I grew up believing the military to be.”
Sgt. Wood served 11 years on active duty and six years in the National Guard before his latest break in service.
When asked why he decided to come back for a third time, he said the decision was an easy one.
“The Army is something that I have always enjoyed and I look forward to being back in the service,” he said.
To the Wood family, the Army is more than just an employer that offers a paycheck; the Army has provided the Woods with stability and a sense of belonging. Sgt. Wood’s father-in-law is also a retired first sergeant from the Army. Growing up, Pfc. Wood saw firsthand the positive impact the Army has made throughout his life.
(Editor’s note: Thielmier is the executive officer for Company C, 2nd Battalion, 10th Infantry Regiment at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.)