Press Advisory
Who: 1st Engineer Brigade
What: Change-of-command ceremony
When: 9 a.m. July, 11, 2018
Where: Gammon Field, Fort Leonard Wood
Details: The 1st Engineer Brigade at Fort Leonard Wood will host a change-of-command ceremony at 9 a.m. July 11 on Gammon Field. During the ceremony, Col. Dale Snider will transfer responsibilities as the 1st Engineer Brigade commander to Col. Kip Korth.
Korth arrived at Fort Leonard Wood in July 2016, serving in a dual-hatted role as the director of the Maneuver Support Battle Lab and division chief to the Concepts, Organization and Doctrine Development Division.
Snider’s next assignment will be in Denton, Texas, where he will be the defense coordinating officer for the Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 6.
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Media wanting to cover the event should contact the Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs Office at 573-563-5038/4145.